Richard Burden

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Naturopathy, Musculoskeletal therapy & Colonic Hydrotherapy in Swansea

Registered Naturopath in Swansea; Musculoskeletal therapy & Colonic Hydrotherapy in Port Talbot, Bridgend, Llanelli & surrounding areas

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I have practised Naturopathy and Musculoskeletal Therapy in Swansea for 36 years and Colon Hydrotherapy for the last 24 years. I support many people with their chronic health difficulties and specialise in bowel and digestive problems, but advise patients with many other health problems, some of them quite complex. You can learn more about these on the next pages of this website for naturopathy and colon hydrotherapy.

Do you want to fundamentally improve your health and be free of some irritating symptoms or discomfort?---

Or do you suffer from a lot of confusing symptoms such as these below?

Pain, back pain, arthritis, sciatica, neck pain, headaches, migraines, fibromyalgia, sports injuries, whiplash, frozen shoulder?
• Have you been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease like coeliac, rheumatic pain, underactive thyroid, or skin problems ?
• Do you struggle with IBS, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, indigestion, brain fog, or digestive problems?
• An inability to lose weight, tiredness, no energy, ME/chronic fatigue/CFS/"Long Covid", food cravings, or hormone problems?

These are all conditions I commonly see in my work using naturopathy, musculoskeletal therapy and colon hydrotherapy and that I'd be happy to support you with--and with many people help sort out the confusion of having so many symptoms! They always mean something! I enjoy assisting clients to improve their health so that they can feel better, have more energy and enjoy life more.

I combine my multi-disciplinary approach as a naturopath with the latest science in functional medicine, evidence based research and lab testing. For example I have been using blood testing with FunctionalDX, or other sorts of tests with Genova Diagnostics. One of the FunctionalDX blood tests is one of the best ways to get a full health MOT and to discover any underlying health problems. Lab testing is not always necessary, but it can be very helpful.


I also use food intolerance testing using KBMO Diagnostics . This is a company that uses the latest state of the art technology to acurately find those foods, colourings and chemicals that may be causing an unsolvable health problem.

If you are unsure of what sort of therapy you need please ring the receptionist and ask for a no obligation 15 minute FREE MINI CONSULTATION if I have not seen you before, or email me from this website.. You can explain the symptoms from which you have been suffering and we can decide together what approach would best to assist your problem, or ask to speak to me on the phone when I am free.
Sometimes people have many symptoms and it is hard to know what therapy or therapies would be the most helpful. As a naturopath I’ll be happy to try and help you do this and start you on your journey back to better health. I will also send you a questionnaire that will outline many of the commonest symptoms. That information helps me to know how best I can assist you.

I use naturopathy, musculoskeletal therapy and colon hydrotherapy (colonics), either separately, or in combination to help improve people's health. You can read more about each therapy on the next pages.

The Swansea Clinic is open during the week on Mondays to Fridays. Please ring 01792 654751 during office hours to make an appointment, or leave a message. I work in the clinic on Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays. Please leave a message if no one answers, or email me through this website. I can reply to emails any day of the week.(Please check your Spam Mail if you don't seem to get a reply.) If you email me I can now give you an appointment with our online diary for naturopathy, colonic hydrotherapy or musculoskeletal therapy.

I have been passionate about helping people with their health for most of my life and am a long-standing member of the British Naturopathic Association and (GCRN) The General Council & Register of Naturopaths. I graduated from The British College of Naturopathy & Osteopathy (now called the British College of Osteopathic Medicine ) in North London and set up practice in Swansea 36 years ago.

I was registered with the General Osteopathic Council for 21 years, but I voluntarily resigned from their register in 2019 and can no longer call myself an osteopath. However I still provide exactly the same hands on treatment, manipulation and massage techniques I have used all my practice life. I am still fully insured for all that I do.

After working as a Swansea registered naturopath & osteopath for many years I trained with Dr. Milo Siewart in colon hydrotherapy and qualified with ARCH (Association & Register of Colon Hydrotherapists) in 2000.

My multi-disciplinary practice in Swansea offers naturopathy, musculoskeletal therapy and colon hydrotherapy (colonics) for those in the area around Port Talbot, Bridgend, Llanelli and the Gower. The Swansea Clinic of Natural Medicine is at 20 Walter Road, not far from the centre of Swansea.

I hope you will take a few minutes to read my latest Blog below on this page and that you find that what I write is helpful and relevant. I believe that what I write is vitally important, as there are few other places where you will receive such life and health giving information. One of my recent blogs is about the exciting developments in the treatment of Alzheimer's and dementia not using drugs.

Conditions Treated

I have had many years experience assisting clients with a wide variety of conditions, such as back, neck, knee, shoulder and general musculo-skeletal problems. And with my background in naturopathy I support people to improve their health and well-being in general. I specialise in gastrointestinal problems and for many people colon hydrotherapy has become very popular in recent years and can give much relief. It is a very gentle treatment! Please call or email on the form on this page me if you want to know more about what can be helped, or if you need to know whether your own particular condition can be alleviated.

I regularly attend meetings of the (GCRN )The General Council & Register of Naturopaths, The BNA Cancer Study Group and (ARCH )The Association and Registered of Colon Hydrotherapists . Increasingly I am attending meetings in London where I have been hearing the latest research and natural treatments for Alzheimer's , Cancer, digestive problems, gluten sensitivity and so many other subjects. It is exciting getting all the latest scientific information from experts from around the world.

Please explore the next pages for fuller information. And if you have any queries please send an email from my home page or call the clinic in Swansea on the number below. I am very happy to answer any queries by phone or email.

The Swansea Clinic of Natural Medicine is situated 11 miles from Port Talbot, 25 miles from Bridgend and 12.5 miles from Llanelli and is not far from The Gower.

In recent times I have become increasingly interested in Energy Medicine and because of this I incorporate the hand-held miHealth into much of my musculoskeletal work. The miHealth is extremely helpful in the treatment of pain, muscle tension, muscle spasm, sports injuries, torn muscles, shin splints and acute & chronic back conditions. The technology it uses comes under the category of "pulsed electromagnetic field healing" (PEMF) I have used the miHealth a lot for over  ten years and it is extremely effective, especially for pain. 

A Favourite Quote.....

"One of the great myths about natural medicines is that they are not scientific. The fact of the matter is that for most common illnesses there is greater support in the medical literature for a natural approach than there is for drugs or surgery." — Dr. Michael T. Murray , Bastyr University, Seattle, U.S.A.


My latest Blog Entry

Blog—Early Autumn 2024


Chronic Disease— is the number one health care problem of our age. Chronic disease is increasing year on year in many parts of the world. It has become a health emergency. We are talking about problems such as: obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, autism. The NHS can’t cope because there are too many people with these problems. Most are on lots of medication paid for in this country by the NHS.

Please keep reading with an open mind and don’t automatically label me as a ‘conspiracy theorist’! As the saying goes, truth is often stranger than fiction.

Did you know that the business plan for Big Pharma is to keep people sick, but not dying, so that they can profit long term from all the medication they are on?!!

Did you know that the cigarette industry gradually took over the food manufacturing industry from the 1960’s onwards? When cigarette sales gradually decreased the cigarette companies had to diversify and they started to take over parts of the food industry. This period saw the rise of processed foods with added sugars, fats, and other ingredients designed on purpose to be highly addictive. We call these highly processed foods, ‘Junk food’. Junk foods cause ill health.

Many experts feel that the rise in chronic health problems is being caused by junk and processed food, let alone the side effects complicating these diseases from all the medication these people are using. Every medication has side effects, without exception, and the sicker people get the more medication they receive and the greater Big Pharma profits. That is why they are so rich and powerful and control the medical profession and industry.

To give just one example, autism. The incidence of autism has increased catastrophically during the last 25 years. The incidence in the year 2002 was one child in 250. This has steadily risen every year since and is now one in every 20 children!!! In Northern Ireland one in 14 boys has autism. If that is not catastrophic, I don’t know what is.

Many believe they know why, but no-one is prepared to do the research to prove it. I wonder why?! Probably because it would affect Big Pharma’s bottom line too much. Even Dr. Andrew Wakefield was struck off for saying he suspected why, but said that more research should be done.

I have followed the work of Robert Kennedy Jr. for many years. He is an environmental lawyer and I am delighted that he may be given the opportunity to be in the next American Government. He founded an amazing organisation called the This website is well worth taking a look at. The work of this organisation covers many aspects of children’s health, including chronic health problems.

During his recent speech to the Republican Party, when he gave up his own presidential campaign and joined forces with Donald Trump, Kennedy highlighted the risks associated with processed foods and seed oils and the pervasive influence of corporate interests over government regulators. He gave a passionate pledge that he would try and do something about the chronic disease crisis that is crippling America. Kennedy knows that manufacturing food companies are behind the chronic disease crisis. If you watch some of his video clips (and there are many on the Net) he emphatically states what is the cause of autism as well.

Over many years, sugar has been the number one ‘enemy’ of good health. But seed oils are also now known to be just as harmful. What are these? They have been named the ‘Hateful Eight’. All vegetable oils: sunflower, rape (canola), soy, safflower, peanut, corn, cottonseed, grapeseed. All of these oils have been highly refined, heat treated, and are extremely high in the Omega 6 oils that cause inflammation in the body when consumed. Inflammation is present in all chronic disease.

Much better to eat cold-pressed olive oil on salads and to cook with coconut oil, or a small amount of olive oil. The best sources of the healthy Omega 3 oils are in oily fish and linseeds (flax seeds) Ghee can also be used in cooking. Margarine is the most highly refined of all oils. A little butter is a much healthier option—saturated fats are not bad!! That is propaganda put out by the food industry. And the oil in avocados is wonderful too!

I’ll close with a saying I came across recently put out by the “No Farmers= No Food” organisation:

"Agriculture is our wisest pursuit,

because it will in the end contribute most

to real wealth, good morals, and happiness.”- Letter from Thomas Jefferson to George Washington (1787)


My very warm wishes to you all.


Blog Summer 2024


I do hope you are all enjoying glimpses of the summer we are having!

As usual I’ll be writing a few controversial points of view in this blog. Please read them with an open mind. There is always another ‘side to most stories’ and health is one of them. You are welcome to disagree with me! I support free speech and I for one am glad that X or Twitter is one of the places on the Internet where one can read very many different points of view. I get bored and fed up with hearing and seeing so much PC news on the BBC etc. GBNews is a slightly better alternative especially in the evenings? Have you watched Neil Oliver “thecoastguy” at 6pm on a Sunday evening?

I am continuing to use blood tests on many patients who see me. These amazing tests help find the causes of ill health. They are very different from conventional blood tests because they very cleverly put the normal blood markers into algorithms and come up with an analysis of where weaknesses are occurring in the body. And then a treatment plan to go with it all. Tremendously useful! It is sometimes said, “blood doesn’t lie”, and that is very true of FunctionalDX tests.

In almost all of these tests I have used with patients, one common factor that I have found is how frequently patients are very low in Vitamin D. The best way to get Vitamin D is from the sun, so please make sure you get plenty out of doors without getting burnt. Sunscreen blocks the manufacture of Vitamin D in the skin, so it is best not to use it if possible. Many sunscreens contain toxic chemicals. Non-toxic sunscreen is available if you have to use it. They say that suntan lotion may be one of the factors destroying the Great Barrier Reef!

Vitamin D is so important for many reasons, and not just to help keep bones strong. It is very important to strengthen the immune system and help keep us healthy, including helping to prevent cancer. I recommend everyone supplements with 2,000i.u daily. The Government’s own recommendation of 600i.u. or so, has shown to be not nearly enough, especially if one is deficient.

It’s also a very good idea to combine the use of Vit D with some Vitamin K. The two vitamins are synergistic—they work together in the body. Vitamin K also helps to keep bones strong and healthy. It also helps to prevent hardening of the arteries and reducing heart disease. It has a lot going for it! It is found in green leafy vegetables, but use up to 100 mcg a day and combine it with Vitamin D.

And as for the Government inquiry into Covid, from my point of view it is a waste of time and money as it completely misses the point and avoids the most important pieces of information that should coming out of the inquiry. During the so-called epidemic and according to the Government’s own statistics, there were NO EXCESS deaths during it! These came after the new ‘medication’ was administered. Far more useful information came out from the Scottish Covid Inquiry. But of course we did not hear about this in the MSM. It wasn’t convenient.

And meanwhile back in Downing St. we have a new PM who is very friendly with Bill Gates. I wonder how much B.G. profited from the roll- out of the untested experimental MRNA medications? No doubt our new PM will be persuaded to push ahead with new substitutes for meat and encourage us to eat ‘food’ made with insects! B.G. will be making a further fortune manufacturing this! Where is the research to show us that insects are healthy to eat? Many insects contain chitin which is definitely not healthy. And meanwhile the assault on farming and traditional farming practices in the name of ‘climate change’ go on. Please remember the saying, “No farmers= No food”. This assault on farming is going on around the world, not just in our own country. Solar panel ‘farms’ is not farming!

I hope you all enjoy the rest of the Summer and until next time my very best wishes to you all!


Spring Blog 2024


Vitamin D. I have written about this before, but I will repeat by saying that Vitamin D is probably the most important supplement you can possibly take to help protect your health. Most people are deficient and even if one is not, everyone should be taking 2,000iu every day. It’s easy to buy a test kit online to measure one’s blood level. And if you have a low level then you’ll need to take 4,000iu daily of Vitamin D3 for a few months to raise the level to normal.

And in addition please get out into the sun, preferably without sunscreen that blocks the formation of Vitamin D.


Research has discovered so many important functions of Vitamin D during the last few years. In addition to being important to help the immune system, the cardiovascular system, hormones, depression, pain and inflammation, it is now known to help treat & prevent many cancers.


The resurgence of interest in Vitamin D came during the Pandemic and it was used successfully to help prevent & treat Covid along with Vitamin C.


What is there not to like about it? It is cheap and easily available.


Cancer. President Nixon declared “War on Cancer” in 1971 spurring on massive research by pharmaceutical companies all over the World. At that time it was known that one in every three people would get cancer in their lifetime. Now it is two in every three people!! The incidence has increased despite the research and the vast sums of money collected and dispensed for ‘Cancer research’. What a waste!


But since the Pandemic, research now shows that low levels of Vitamin D are associated with an increased risk of cancer. Its deficiency has been linked to the development and progression of a number of cancers. But also that higher blood levels of Vitamin D help reduce the risk of several cancers. So maybe the pharmaceutical companies are looking in the wrong place? And in other research, scientists are showing that Vitamin D could help prevent dementia.


Alzheimers. There’s lots of interesting information on how to prevent dementia and Alzheimers at

Much good work is going on around the world to help prevent and treat Alzheimers, but you won’t hear about it on the BBC. On the website above you can learn from some leading experts and scientists what it takes to help prevent and treat this awful disease. One, of them, Dr. Dale Bredesen, has been doing amazing work and treatment with Alzheimer’s patients for many years. He started off as a conventional doctor, but now uses nutritional therapy.


Pandemic Treaty. And last, but perhaps the most important topic I need to mention, is the proposed legislation that the WHO wants to impose upon all countries around the world by the end of May this year. If this treaty is passed into law by the British Government then we lose much of our sovereignty and control if a new pandemic comes to pass and we will be subject to the whims and dictates of the WHO. Do you want to be locked down again? Bird Flu may be the excuse used.


Did you know that the current chairman of the WHO, an Ethiopian, is a former terrorist and is not even a doctor? Did you know that the major funder and controller of policy at the WHO was a software developer and made billions during the Pandemic from vaccines and has no medical qualifications whatsoever. The Pandemic Treaty must not be allowed to be passed by Parliament. You can find out more from


And just today, the 10th May, I’m reading that Lord Strathcarron, in the House of Lords, is calling for a deferral of this month’s World Health Assembly vote “so that we can have a proper Parliamentary scrutiny of what the Government is signing us up to”. It’s about time the Government is challenged on the legality of even proceeding with this vote.


There is now an organisation dedicated to prevent us from becoming entangled with the WHO as this is such a corrupt power seeking institution. Please see


Weight Loss. And last but not least, with so much publicity concerning weight loss youmay have heard of the new wonder drug to help this problem. And yes, it does work. One of my patients is very pleased with the results as she has lost a lot of weight. BUT please be aware there are some very nasty possible side-effects that it can cause such as: extreme low blood sugar, pancreatitis, gallstones, thyroid cancer and severe allergic reactions, amongst others. And then on the BBC News today they were trumpeting that this new medication could reduce the risk or heart attacks & stroke. As I often say, “follow the money”.


My very best wishes to all my readers. Enjoy the Spring weather!


Late Winter Blog January 2024

Once again there is too much to write about! I’ll begin with positive news and give you some useful and helpful tips to help your health.

Vitamin C is effective in reducing the severity and duration of the common cold. Vitamin C’s ability to tackle viral infections, such as the common cold, is confirmed in a new meta-analysis published in BMC Public Health. The researchers found that using at least 1g/day for people in good health, resulted in a 15 - 26% reduction in severity of symptoms. The researchers recommend the use of vitamin C for the treatment of colds due to its effectiveness and low cost.

I will add that Vitamin D is also important to help the immune system long term. Use 2,000iu in Summer and double that amount during the winter months.

And another piece of helpful information is that Black seed oil (from black cumin seeds) is not only highly effective for prevention and treatment of Covid, especially taken with Vit D ,but with viral infections infections in general. Black seed oil is helpful for other conditions, especially skin problems and high blood pressure.

Cholesterol is another hugely misunderstood subject. It is essential to our health and wellbeing! It is not a bad! If we didn’t have cholesterol our bodies could not make hormones. Make sure you get plenty of good fats in your diet, olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, oily fish. But avoid ‘vegetable oils’, such as rapeseed, corn, sunflower and margarine. These types of oils are highly refined, toxic and should be avoided. I won’t go into how bad statin drugs are either and how they deplete the good fats in the brain and can cause memory loss!

Some of what I’m about to write you know and some you may not know. The foundation to good health and the key way naturopaths practice is a good healthy diet. Sadly the production of food is under threat in many countries with compulsory closure of farms. You may or may not be hearing that huge protests are taking place in France, Germany, Holland and now in Poland, by farmers who are being threatened with closure, all in the name of climate change. Farmers in Ireland are also under orders to cut down hugely on the number of cows they are allowed to have. Please remember the formula: No farmers=No food. This is not fantasy, or conspiracy theory, or misinformation; this is fact. You can find out about these facts by following alternative news sources such as X or GBNews. The MSM is controlled so you will not hear what is really happening from these conventional sources. You can watch and you will hear that an insect diet (meal worms, crickets etc) is being imposed around the world because there is not enough real food and what there is of it is becomimg too expensive for many people. It has already started in Holland for example! Please support the farmers. It is our most important industry.

One more set of facts, the atmosphere is made up of the following: Nitrogen 78%, Oxygen 20.9%, Argon 0.93%, Carbon Dioxide 0.04%--(does 0.04% seem a lot or dangerous?) Carbon Dioxide is an important ‘fertiliser’ for plants. The more they get, the better plants grow. Isn’t that a good thing? There are also very small percentages of other gases in the atmosphere including methane, hydrogen, ozone etc. If you doubt me please look these figures up for yourselves.

Did you also hear about the new disease ‘that is being planned’ called Disease X?. Yes, that is being ‘planned’ and there was a lot of discussion about it at the recent conference for world leaders taking place in Davos. This is where the real plans for our future are being mapped out. Not in our parliaments. Parliaments just rubber stamp what happens in Davos. And no, I am not a conspiracy theorist. This is fact. You can check for yourself. Listen to the recordings of what happened at Davos from people like Klaus Schwab or Bill Gates. These are unelected people telling us what to do. I am trying to help my patients with their health problems, but we are being undermined all the time by the elite, being told we have to cut down on meat consumption and learn to eat food made from insects!! I’ll repeat No Farmers=No Food

And while you are distracted by the Post Office scandal, (and that makes me mad and angry too), do keep your eyes open and be aware of the Pandemic Treaty our Government may approve of shortly i.e. you will lose even more of your rights and freedoms when any new pandemic is declared by the WHO as a result. What more proof do you need to see that the WHO organisation, full of unelected people, are positioning themselves to massively override national sovereignty worldwide? And that is an understatement!

You are welcome to disagree with me!

And until the next time I send my very warm wishes to all my readers.



The Power of 8. If anyone of you is interested in joining  "The Power of Eight" healing group every Wednesday evening in Killay, please let me know. I suggest you email me. If you have read the book of the same name you will know what amazing healing is being done around the world.

For more of my Blog posts, click here


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